Near the end of the development cycle, the I& T lead was one of the most important members on the project team-perhaps even more so than the team lead or project engineer. 接近开发周期的尾声,I&T的领导是一个项目团队中非常重要的角色-甚至比团队领导或者项目经理还重要。
They discussed the build with the project engineer to ensure that it would meet his expectations. 他们与项目工程师一起讨论构建以确保构建能够符合他们的预期。
Only the I& T team, project engineer, and team lead looked at the full list of defects on an ongoing basis. 仅仅是I&T团队、项目过程师和团队领导能够看到项目进展中的完整的缺陷列表。
The project engineer had the right to perform all actions, although closure was always left to the I& T team. 项目工程师也有执行所有动作的权限,虽然关闭动作总是由I&T团队执行的。
Three members from our team were involved ( the I& T lead, project engineer, and team lead), as well as three from ASDI ( QA, project manager, and technical lead). 我们团队中的三个成员执行这些任务(I&T领导、项目工程师和团队领导),还有三个来自ASDI的人员(QA、项目经理和技术领导)。
Inform superior and project engineer about manufacturing progress of mold and existing problems, try best to solve all of them. 及时向上级和项目工程师反馈模具进度及存在的各种问题,并促使问题得到及时解决。
Cooperate and assistant the Group project engineer to ensure new products developing tasks done by smoothly. 配合集团项目负责人,促使新品开发的顺利进行。
The team is led by the project manager and project engineer. 团队由项目经理和项目工程师带领。
Constitute the stamping process card for production. Attend to make and assess the stamping shape process. Complete the die project with the die engineer. 编制生产使用冲压工艺卡.参与制件成型工艺评审和制作,与模具工程师共同协作完成模具项目。
Consult with project engineer to see whether material can be decided after review, if not, follow up project engineer to decide new material; 评审通过后,应与项目工程师确认是否可以定料,若不可,则跟进项目工程师的确认;
Discussion on work orientation and project technical management of project responsibility engineer 论项目责任工程师的工作定位及项目技术管理
Project engineer scheduling technique 设计工程师进度编制技术
Structuring the Parts procedure and handling process in closed cooperation with the Project Engineer. 与项目工程师协同制定零部件采购程序及操作流程。
Project Engineer, Chief of Civil Works, and Assistant Resident Engineer, Honolulu District, Pacific Ocean Division; 太平洋师火奴鲁鲁地区项目工程师、土建工程长官兼驻地工程师助理;
Communicating with project manager or senior engineer and supplying technological guidance. 与项目经理和高级工程师沟通并给予技术指导。
The design engineer, manufacture engineer, project engineer and related managers, who will attend the program development. 参与企业项目实施过程中的设计工程师、制造工程师、项目工程师及相关经理等。
My name is george. I'm a project manager and chief engineer. 我叫乔治,是项且经理和总工程师。
Responsible for promotion of products ( parts) and services in cooperation with the Project Engineer. 协同项目工程师销售产品(备件)及服务。
Name and location of the project design engineer/ consultant ( for reference purposes) 工程设计工程师和咨询顾问人员的姓名和地址(参考和存档)。
Cost management is the key content of project management while cost engineer is the central of controlling cost. 成本管理是工程项目管理的核心内容,成本工程师则是项目成本控制的中心。
By applying the fuzzy analysis principle, this paper presents a quantitative model for evaluating the quality of project general supervision engineer. It provides an applicable approach for project clients when general supervision engineers are to be chosen. 本文分析了项目总监理工程师素质应当具备的基本要素,用模糊数学方法建立了评价项目总监理工程师素质的模型,为业主选定监理单位时评价项目总监理工程师人选提供了可行的方法。
This paper is to introduce, during the project supervision, the framework of supervisory system, the basic concepts of quality control on project supervision by supervisory engineer. It's also to discuss the tasks that the supervision engineer should confront during project survey. 介绍在实行项目监理中,监理制的基本框架和监理工程师在工程项目监理中质量控制的基本概念,结合工程测量的实际,论述监理工程师在工程测量项目质量控制中的任务和工作内容。
Discussions on establishment of project cost engineer qualification systems 谈造价工程师执业资格制度的建立
Last, according to landslide cause of formation and factors that influence the landslide stability, this paper give some dispose project and feasible control engineer measures for landslide prevention and elimination. 最后,根据滑坡成因和影响滑坡稳定性因素,对滑坡的治理提出了处理方案和切实可行的工程措施。
According to need for designing and maintaining DCS to consumer, this paper makes reference to consumer and deviser and the project engineer. 本论文的宗旨是根据用户设计和维护DCS的需要出发,给用户提供完整的参考资料,给设计人员和项目工程技术人员提供参考平台。
Analysis of managerial function of project engineer in capital constructure 高校基本建设中,项目工程师管理职能浅析
Last chapter, is clear about the project owner, engineer, the government, the construction side and so on main benefit related side to implement to the project the influent the related responsibility which the benefit protection should undertake. 最后一章,明确工程业主、工程师、政府、施工方等主要利益相关方对工程受影响者实施利益保护的应承担的相关责任。